Jim Low
©1988-2005 Jim Low
Andrew Elvins genealogy
Andrew Elvins, the "Father of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada" lived in Cobourg and Port Hope in the
mid 19th century. This combine his genealogy with his life and that of
his contemporaries during this period.
Eclipse 1988 Sun
Article on personal experience on
adventure to see the 1988 total solar eclipse in the Philippines.
Eclipse 1999 Sun
1999-08-11 Temperature observations
during the total solar eclipse.
Eclipse 2000 Sun
2000-12-25 Temperature observations
during the partial solar eclipse.
Eclipse 2002 Sun
2002-12-04 Article and pictures of the
2002 total solar eclipse from Australia
Eclipse 2006 Sun
Pictures of the adventure to the 2006
Libya eclipse
Eclipse 2009 Sun
2009-07-11 Pictures of trip to China to
see the total eclipse of the sun.
Eclipse 2003 Moon
2003-11-09 Pictures of the total lunar
Eclipse 2008 Moon
2008-02-21 Pictures of the total lunar
Eclipse 2010 Moon
2010-12-21 Pictures of the total lunar eclipse.
Eclipse 1973 Reunion
2003-07-12 Reunion of those who
travelled together from Toronto for the 1973 total solar eclipse.
30th anniversary reunion.
General Assembly 2003
2003 General Assembly of the RASC in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
"An irreverent view of the General Assembly." The lighter side of
the RASC GA.
General Assembly 2004
2004 General Assembly of the RASC in
St. John's Newfoundland.
"A Screeching General Assembly." The lighter side of the RASC GA.
General Assembly 2005
2005 General Assembly of the RASC in
Kelowna, British Columbia.
"An Ogopogo General Assembly." The lighter side of the RASC GA.
General Assembly 2006
2006 General Assembly of the RASC in
Ottawa, Ontario.
"A Wet General Assembly." The lighter side of the RASC GA.
General Assembly 2007
2007 Astronomy Roundup in Calgary,
Astronomy Roundup.
General Assembly 2008
2008 General Assembly of the RASC at York University, Ontario.
Three-Centre GA (Hamilton, Mississauga, Toronto).
General Assembly 2009
2009 General Assembly of the RASC at Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan.
Combined with the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party.
General Assembly 2010
2010 General Assembly of the RASC at Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Along with personal scientific, astronomical and historical side trips
by Jim Low.
Hobby Show 2003
2003-11-07 Toronto Centre RASC at the
Hobby Show.
2003 August views around
Mars 2003
Drawings made of Mars by Jim Low in
Transit of Mercury 2003
2003-05-07 Transit group at Cathedral
Bluffs. Toronto Centre RASC.
of Venus 2004
2004-06-08 Transit group at Cathedral
Bluffs. Toronto Centre RASC.
2003-09-18 Pictures of the Moon.
Moon and Venus
2004-02-22 Moon and Venus.
Near conjunction of Venus and the Moon.
Mercury Venus Moon
2004-03-11 Drawings of Jupiter and
A rare exceptional night with excellent seeing at Toronto.
2003-09-18 Drawing of Saturn.
First Light
2003 First photos taken through my new
Comet Hyakutake
Article on Comet Hyakutake
My son and I "enjoy" driving a snowmobile trail, in a car, in quest of
comet observing.
of the RASC
2003-10-09 Head office of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC).
Dunlap Observatory
2003-09-20 Open House for RASC Toronto
Centre members and volunteers.
Ancient Astronomy:
Selected observations made by me in the
News Items
News items about RASC activities in
61 Cygni
Graze of star near moon
Eclipse of Jupiter satellite