I noticed Girl Guide Cookies being sold in Shoppers Drug Mart.
In the past, I always bought lots of Girl Guide Cookies from the girls who came to my door. They always went away with a big smile, with the confidence they were successful business people. Not only were the cookies good, but the real reason I purchased the cookies was to enjoy seeing the excitement and smiles of young sales girls and my good feeling that I contributed to their success that could well encourage them in future endeavours.
I didn't buy the Girl Guide Cookies in Shoppers Drug Mart. Not only does it take away from the business experience the girls would learn, but I'm concerned there is a middleman (and it is middleman, for no woman would do this) who will skim off some money that would otherwise go to the Girl Guides.
What next? Boy Scout Apples in Loblaws?
Sighhh... I guess Girl Guide Cookie girls
have gone the way of the Paper Boy/Girl. Concerns over safety.
Note: This is now
outdated. I noticed the Girl Guides back selling in full force in
2004 and I bought lots of cookies again.