Only those who attended the 2003 General Assembly in Vancouver will appreciate the captions with these pictures. Don't get them? Then all the more reason not to miss the 2004 General Assembly in St. John's.
My apologies to those who don't like my strange sense of humour.
"Would the gentleman who told us to turn off
our cell
phones kindly answer his cell phone."
"The reason our 'Royal' designation was
granted so
quickly is because King Edward VII thought it was the
Royal Gastronomical Society of Canada."
"I'm sorry, but your motion to replace
Urania in the RASC
crest with Joe Bfstplk is out of order."
"Did I hear a cell phone again?"
"Why am I stuck with these 'stuffed shirts'
when the 'shorts' over there are much more
...over there...
"Take it off! Take it off!"
"How about if I trade you a comet discovery credit for a photo credit?"
"All those who volunteer to organise the next GA, raise your hands."