Jim Low
Full Genealogical database Web Cards
This is the full genealogical database
of Jim Low. It contains web cards where clicking on individual
links leads to parents and children of the individuals named. For
living people, only initials and surnames are given. Last updated
Photographs, with identification of
individuals and some location description of members of the Flinn and
Gardner families relates to William Flinn(1874-1958) and his wife Ethel
(Hettie) Emily Gardner (1885-1969). Initial purpose is to have
others identify those who are unknown, and give places and
events. Initial upload: 2010-11-12.
AIRD Enigma
The story of the search for the parents
of William Aird (c1783-1860) and Mary Hunter (1782-1863).
Uploaded 2010.
The story, largely in Pictures, of
Hattie Patterson Tanner (1899 - 1963), commonly known as "Tot."
Uploaded 2010.
Marinda Anna Reed ("Minnie")
The life of Marinda Anna Reed, known as
"Minnie" from 1860 to 1919.
This is an ongoing project and at present is in a rough form. Uploaded
Additional information and chapters will be added later.
The King's Highway
James Low and his three oldest sons
take an Auto adventure from Ottawa to Port Hope, Ontario, then steamer
and trains to Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
This was prepared in 2008 on the Centennial of the journey.
The Testament of Alexander
Cloudsly 1840
The testament of Alexander Cloudsly
(Cloudslie/Cloudsley) in 1840, with details of marriage contract of
LOW family history publication
from 1986
This is an abbreviated version of the
1986 publication of the LOW family. Details on living generations
has been removed.
Our New England Ancestors
Tracing back to a TAYLOR ancestor found
a soldier of the American revolutionary war and from there back many
generations to governors of the Massachusetts colony and earlier in
AIRD Family
Descendants of the parents of John Aird
and William Aird of Kirkmichael, Ayrshire, Scotland.
FLINN Family
Descendants of the parents of William
Flinn who migrated from Ireland and settled in Bethnal Green, London,
REED Family
Descendants of William Reed and Mary
Rowe of Bovey Tracy, Devonshire, England.
Descendants of William Shakespeare and
Mary Satterwaite of Coventry, Warwick, England.
Descendants of Abraham Tanner and
Elizabeth Daniel of Stone, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.
Class Pictures (under
DNA of James W. A. Low
RORKE, ROSE, and HUNTER Documents
Distant branch of my family
and the purpose of this is to try to make contact with closer relatives
of this family.
Andrew Elvins genealogy
Andrew Elvins, the "Father of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada" lived in Cobourg and Port Hope in the
mid 19th century. This combine his genealogy with his life and that of
his contemporaries during this period.